What to Expect After Regenerative Injection Therapy
Regenerative injection therapy is a groundbreaking form of medicine that injects natural substances into strategic parts of the body to help it heal itself without drugs or invasive surgeries.

Regenerative injection therapy is a groundbreaking form of medicine that injects natural substances into strategic parts of the body to help it heal itself without drugs or invasive surgeries. At Polaris, we can utilize two different types of regenerative injection therapy (stem cells and platelet rich plasma, or PRP) to treat various chronic pain and degenerative conditions, especially at the joints and in the spine. If you and your doctor determine this therapy is right for you, here’s what you can expect in the days and weeks following your procedures.

Pain and swelling expectations

It is normal to experience some pain and swelling in the injection area after PRP or stem cells have been introduced. This discomfort can last between 48 hours and two weeks, and recurrence of pain can even happen after 2 weeks. The pain and swelling are normal and are usually nothing to be alarmed about, although you can call us if you have concerns. However, it is essential that you do NOT take any anti-inflammatory medications for at least a week after this therapy. These include NSAIDS like Advil/ibuprofen, aspirin, or any type of corticosteroid. You may take acetaminophen products like Tylenol for the pain, or we can prescribe you safe pain medications as needed.

Diet and exercise

In the days and weeks following treatments, your doctor may have specific recommendations regarding exercise, but a general rule of thumb is keep moving but don’t push it. Regular movement and low-impact exercise can help with pain and stiffness, but while your muscles and joints are regenerating, it’s important not to push them to the point of damage. A healthy, protein-rich diet is recommended during this time, as proteins help build and strengthen muscle and ligament tissue. If you are a vegetarian, talk to your doctor about alternatives to help you receive the protein you need. They may also recommend a nutritionist to help you.

The healing process

One important thing to remember is to be patient through the healing process. Regenerative injection therapy is not a quick fix; it takes time for your body to rebuild itself naturally. You may have to endure some discomfort during the process, but over time you will begin to see positive results, an overall reduction in pain and increased mobility.

To learn more about regenerative injection therapy and to find out whether it’s right for you, call Polaris Spine & Neurosurgery Center at 404.256.2633.